Wood with Growing Flowers


At Chefie, we are committed to conducting our services ethically and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. This compliance policy outlines our principles and practices to ensure compliance with current regulations.

  • Legal Compliance:

Chefie is committed to complying with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations that affect our operations. This includes, among others, compliance with data privacy laws, food safety regulations, and labor laws.

  • Business Ethics:

We promote a culture of integrity and ethics at all levels of the organization. We do not tolerate dishonest business practices or unethical behaviors.

  • Data Protection:

We are committed to protecting the personal information of our users and customers in accordance with applicable data privacy laws. We maintain policies and practices to ensure the security and privacy of information.

  • Transparency and Record-Keeping:

We maintain accurate and transparent records of our operations, transactions, and communications. This includes financial records, contracts, and internal and external communications.

  • Reporting and Communication Channel:

We establish a confidential communication channel for employees, customers, and other stakeholders to report concerns or irregularities related to compliance.

  • Sanctions for Non-Compliance:

Chefie takes any violation of laws or compliance policies seriously. We will take appropriate actions, which may include disciplinary or legal sanctions, in case of non-compliance.

  • Ongoing Evaluation and Updates:

We regularly assess and update our compliance policy to stay informed about changes in laws and regulations and to improve our compliance practices.

  • Chefie Yachting Recrutiment

Chefie does not maintain any blacklist as part of its compliance framework."

  • Executive Responsibility:

The senior management of Chefie assumes final responsibility for compliance and is committed to leading by example.

Chefie is dedicated to conducting business ethically and legally in all aspects of our operations. We value the trust of our customers and stakeholders and work tirelessly to maintain it.

  • Statement by ChefieĀ® Recruitment on Seafarer Recruitment Costs

ChefieĀ® Yachting Recruitment solemnly declares that seafarers shall be spared the financial burden of any fees, be they direct or indirect, in whole or in part, in the course of their recruitment or placement, or in facilitating their noble seafaring employment. The sole financial responsibilities for our esteemed seafarers encompass the acquisition of a national statutory medical certificate, the prestigious national seafarer's book, and the acquisition of a passport or its equivalent in distinguished personal travel documentation. Please be duly advised that the esteemed task of bearing expenses associated with visas shall fall squarely upon the shipowner.

If you have any questions or concerns about our compliance or this policy, please contact us at info@chefie.com .

This compliance policy is a starting point and can be customized to meet the specific needs and circumstances of Chefie. Consult with a legal or compliance professional to tailor it to your precise requirements.

Wood with Growing Flowers